Relocation Services for Occupied Rehab and Redevelopment Projects
CRHS plans and facilitates the relocation of residents who must move temporarily or permanently to accommodate apartment renovations or demolitions. We provide all required notices; meet one-on-one with each affected household to identify their relocation needs and preferences; identify replacement housing options and conduct relocation counseling and support to ensure required moves are completed on schedule. CRHS staff have managed the successful temporary or permanent relocation of over 17,000 households nationwide.

Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Relocation Implementation
CRHS facilitates on or off-site temporary relocations for households affected by RAD renovations. This includes providing all required notices, conducting individual assessments with each affected household and developing and executing a relocation plan that is aligned with the construction schedule. CRHS staff has supervised the relocation of over 300 RAD relocation units.

Relocation Due to Natural Disasters
CRHS executes emergency relocation activities for households that are impacted by natural disasters that create unsafe and unsanitary living conditions. Our activities include an in-depth analysis of suitable alternative housing, advisory services to affected households and the coordination of all relocation activity. CRHS staff managed disaster relief relocation services for over 450 households.

Relocation Plan Development
CRHS develops HUD compliant, state and local relocation plans for occupied rehab, demolition and redevelopment projects. Our relocation plans have provided guidance for complex projects nationwide and have been a key component to securing funding for 17 sites, in seven states and the District of Columbia.

Case Management for CHOICE Neighborhoods and LIHTC Programs
CRHS works with our clients to develop localized case management programs for CHOICE Neighborhoods, Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and other community based programs. Our staff partners with educational institutions, employment and training agencies, health organizations, youth development programs and elder services providers to develop sustainable programs that are most suitable to each neighborhood. CRHS staff provided oversight of the Norwalk Housing Authority’s CHOICE Neighborhoods Case Management and Relocation Programs from 2015-2018 and led the Case Management and Relocation planning efforts for the Shreveport, Louisiana CHOICE Neighborhoods grant. CRHS staff has provided comprehensive Case Management services to over 2,000 households nationwide.